Saturday, July 18, 2015

December 2014 Year International Current Affairs Bit Bank


Tabare Vazquez Re-elected As Uruguay President
Tabare Vazquez was re-elected as Uruguay President. He won the 2014 presidential elections held in Uruguay on 30 November 2014. The Presidential election results was announced by Uruguay’s Electoral Court on 1 December. Vazquez belongs to the leftist Broad Front coalition party of Uruguay.

China Launched Mega Water Supply Project In Sri Lanka
The Beijing-based China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) has on 6 December launched another mega project in Sri Lanka to construct a water supply system in Gampaha district.The US$ 230 million water supply project is the largest ever undertaken by the Sri Lankan government.

Pakistan 8th Most Dangerous Country In The World
US based think tank IntelCenter on 9 December released Country Threat Index (CTI) ranking 45 countries in terms of terrorist and rebel threat to a country. Pakistan is placed eighth in the list of the most dangerous countries in the world which is led by Iraq.

Global Arms Trade Treaty Came Into Force
The global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that lays down international rules for the 85 billion US dollars global arms trade came into effect on 24 December 2014. The Treaty was negotiated at a global conference under the auspices of the United Nations from July 2–27, 2012, in New York. Later the UN adopted it on 2 April 2013. It has been signed by 130 countries while 61 countries ratified it.

Shinzo Abe Re-elected Third Term As Japan Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe on 14 December re-elected third term as Japan Prime Minister. He was re-elected after Japan’s ruling coalition (Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito) won a two thirds majority in the Snap elections held for the Lower House (House of Representatives) of the Bicameral legislature, the National Diet.

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